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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

On moving and how gross the whole thing is

We're moving to Lahore in a couple of weeks. On the 22nd to be exact. So on top of University applications, catching up on my reading, studying for entry tests, generally being lazy, I now have packing to be worried about.

One thing about packing is that it's tiring. And dirty. So two things, really. We haven't tackled the whole putting-things-in-boxes part yet, we've just gotten rid of all the curtains and the carpets. So now the neighbors can spy at us at night and the rooms have become very echo-ey.

The carpet-removing guys came today. I had no idea exactly how much furniture we own until I had to help move it so we could pull the carpet from underneath. I have a back-ache to prove my mazdoori. And the dust! Oh my God, the dust. There was a whole layer of dust under the carpets. It was disgusting. [Had to help vacuum that too. My back is dying.]

And the worst part; the dust bunnies. I really do not know why they have such a cute name. Seriously. They're gross. They seemed to have taken over the entire house. My friend says I should try burning them. But another warned me that it smells like Orc poop so I'm not going to try.

I also learned that I'm a pack rat. I have so many things. I am not looking forward to throwing stuff away, but that'll come too. Mum never lets me keep stuff like, say, tissues I used to wipe my face after crying while watching Deathly Hallows. yes. I have them. Don't judge me. It was a special moment.

Anyway, other than the whole icky factor, moving is rather depressing. I never had an actual home but this one feels like it. 'Cause I spent almost 7 years here. Longer than I've spent in any place yet. But eh, the new house there has an actual garden so I guess it's all cool. Little things, yeah?

Tomorrow, I shall rest. And hopefully study a bit.

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