I recently got blue streaks. [I still owe my best friend money. That's how broke I am 'cause of them.] But anyway... they looked pretty cool for about two weeks but then the blue started washing off. Or sweating off as I wasn't showering much anyway, just to be cautious. But my sweaty, B.O. causing precautions didn't help at all. Eventually the blue started fading and some yellow started showing and that gave my hair a green effect. I was even cool with that. But now, after less than one month of getting the streaks, I have gone almost completely blonde.
It is possibly the single most horrible thing that has happened to my hair. Ever. I have literally only 2 blue streaks left and you have to really look for them. So being the weird, creepy, weird person I am, I cut off the remaining blue strands of my hair and put em in this little plastic bag and I shall save the strand forever.
One day, I'll be cleaning out my junk drawer and my kid[s] will go, "Hey mum, what's that?" And I will smugly tell them, "That is my hair back from 2011, when I dyed it blue."
Then my kids will gush over how awesome their mum is/was/forever will be. Or you know, make fun of me behind my back. Or scream. Whichever. I rather like the first option best. It reminds me of Artificial Intelligence, how the alien thingies used David's mum's hair to bring her back to life. So there; yet another reason for what I did being a god idea; I can be cloned later in life. And who wouldn't want that? =b
I nominated you for the Liebster award http://stephannieblog.blogspot.co.uk/2013/11/i-have-been-nominated-for-liebster-award.html